Reasons you are not able to shed off weight

You're following a strict exercise routine, counting your calorie intake and doing everything possible to not succumb to too many sinful cheat meals! But despite all you sincere efforts, you still haven't been able to break the weight-loss plateau and lose those extra pounds as quickly as you wish to.
If you find yourself in this dilemma, research has proven there are a number of reasons behind this. We explore them...

Following a repetitive workout
Are you following the same exercise routine day in and day out for months? While it might seem convenient and easy, you need to break this mundane habit and introduce some newer forms of exercise in your workout. Why? Because the muscles in your body become familiar with the same exercise, making it less effective as time passes. Add some resistance or increase repetitions of any particular exercise. Be careful when you incorporate high-intensity exercises into your daily routine.

Eating poorly
Many people still believe that starving is the quickest way to lose weight. But your body needs nutrients to perform functions. This primarily includes metabolism; and not eating properly could affect it. Also, eating less could lead you to feel famished and hungry, thus resulting in unhealthy bingeing at the wrong time.

Not recovering from your exercise routine 
In their fixation to lose weight, many people become obsessed about their exercise routines and land up overdoing it. Though going to the gym daily is essential, you need to also give your body enough time to rest and recover at least once a week. If you're constantly exercising, you are putting your body under immense physical strain. It won't get time to repair the wear and tear, and this will affect your everyday functions. Also, exercising excessively can increase hunger, making you indulge in eating at odd hours.

Long gaps between meals
People avoid eating snacks because they think snacking between any of the main meals is unhealthy. But it's not necessarily a bad thing if you eat the right kind of foods. Mini meals are a great way to keep your energy levels up and your metabolism on an optimum level. The most important snack is usually between lunch and dinner, so keep it healthy with by balancing between carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fat.

Too much cardio
While doing cardio exercises like running on the treadmill is necessary if you are looking to lose weight, you need to also focus on weight lifting and resistance training for better results. Don't just do too much cardio, indulge in weight lifting as it will strengthen the joints, build muscle mass and increase the metabolic rate of your body.

You're not consistent
Consistency — whether it's following a strict diet or doing a particular workout — is key, especially if you're trying to lose the last few kilos. If you're religiously following a health plan for weeks, but suddenly decide to take a break from it for a few days, this inconsistency will hamper your weight-loss progress and you will be back to square one. If this happens very happen, it could be the reason why you are unable to lose weight.

Lack of sleep
Not getting the essential eight hours of sleep a day is detrimental to your health, and impacts weight loss. You must ensure that you sleep well every night, as it will give you energy to exercise and eat right as well as balance out hormones in the body that control your appetite. Research has linked lack of sleep with weight gain. Skimping on sleep lowers the metabolism and affects hormones related to hunger.
According to some studies, the biggest spike in fat burning hormones occurs during deep sleep.

Constantly stressed out
If you're having a high-pressure job, too many family responsibilities and have a hectic lifestyle in general, your stress levels are bound to be high; this can affect your mental as well as physical health. Stress releases the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for health problems that affect weight loss. Take time out to de-stress, if you want to achieve that svelte frame!

Not drinking enough water
Many a time, you mistake thirst for hunger. By drinking 3-4 litres of water daily, you will ward off the tendency to overeat, as water will make you feel fuller. Water is also essential to burn off excess fat because your body needs this liquid to break down fat. So next time you think you're hungry between lunch and dinner, drink a glass of water.

Overeating 'healthy' food
You may have smartly substituted all the unhealthy items in your meals with healthy, low-calorie options, but if you're going to eat larger portions of these, it will defeat the purpose of changing your diet. For example, items like nuts, whole wheat pasta, olive oil, dark chocolate etc. though healthy, are loaded with calories. You need to regulate the quantity of 'health' food you are consuming. Practice portion control; misjudging your portion size will only cause you to retain any excess weight.
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