Super Star Rajinikanth, Sonakshi Sinha, Anushka acting in the film is very interesting linka prepared. The film's shooting is actively going on in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The final phase is currently shooting after shooting a three-phase in the state of Karnataka Jog Falls in Shimoga is going on in the area. Linka been shooting scenes where the film's climax.
In the climax scene around 3000 Supporting Actor, actresses, technicians are working on the shooting. As part of the festival can be seen as part of the Falls. The supporting cast for the food and staffed only about 100 people. Preparing the food is like preparing for a big celebration. Rajini is the first meal in equal measure to the ordinary employee.
Supporting actors and technicians have been arranged as a temporary shelter for the small shacks. Thousands of civilians have concentrated on the shooting to see more of this anaippakuti experienced a severe crisis. Filming police,Private security companies have made heavy security arrangements. The film's shooting will take place in ten days, the entire shooting of the film is that the director KS Ravikumar said. This film will definitely be revealed on December 12, Rajini's birthday, she said.
In the climax scene around 3000 Supporting Actor, actresses, technicians are working on the shooting. As part of the festival can be seen as part of the Falls. The supporting cast for the food and staffed only about 100 people. Preparing the food is like preparing for a big celebration. Rajini is the first meal in equal measure to the ordinary employee.
Supporting actors and technicians have been arranged as a temporary shelter for the small shacks. Thousands of civilians have concentrated on the shooting to see more of this anaippakuti experienced a severe crisis. Filming police,Private security companies have made heavy security arrangements. The film's shooting will take place in ten days, the entire shooting of the film is that the director KS Ravikumar said. This film will definitely be revealed on December 12, Rajini's birthday, she said.
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