The dazzling streets of national capital tries to hide the stark truth that it is the crime city of our country and women safety is one of its biggest problems. A new report has revealed that in Delhi, women are neither safe on streets nor in their houses. A TOI report says that "Women staying in resettlements, slum clusters, unauthorized colonies, villages and on the outskirts of Delhi are at a greater risk of sexual violence. This comes through in a mapping exercise based on the details of callers on the 181 helpline for women in distress set up by the Delhi government after the Nirbhaya case."
As per the report, from December 31, 2012 to July 15, 2014, on the basis of calls received through 181 helpline, Uttam Nagar police station tops the list with 454 cases whereas in the police stations of Sultanpuri, Nangloi, Narela, Jahangirpuri, Aman Vihar, Mangolpuri, Dabri, Najafgarh, Burari, Tilak Nagar, Sangam Vihar and Gokalpuri more than 200 cases were registered.
The report also says that though the helpline received 9,56,942 calls, but total cases registered on the basis of calls till July 15 was a dismal figure of 14,318. The segregation of all the calls received from December 31, 2012 to May 31, 2014 is as follows:
Domestic violence- over 64,000 Sexual assault complaints - 19,357 Child sexual abuse - 8,813 Penetrative sexual assault - 3,600 Attempt to rape - 745 Sexual abuse at workplace -230 Children and young women missing - 3,904 Kidnapping of minor girls - 4,300 Abduction of women - 3,100 Cases of dowry violence - 4,222 Dowry deaths - 1,238
Out of 9,56,942 calls, the call operators could only respond to 6,60,012 calls. This means that nearly 3 lakh calls went unanswered and could not be taken up. The data clearly shows that women who live in the outskirts of Delhi are more vulnerable to crimes. Thus, the infrastructure should be shored up so that maximum calls are attended on such helplines and help is sent to the needful. The tall promises of providing more safety have been made by our Delhi Police, but merely doing the lip service won't help the cause, the promised steps should also be implemented to remove the tag of "crime city" and "rape capital" from Delhi. And not only the government, even people should work collectively to uproot such depravity from the society.
Domestic violence- over 64,000 Sexual assault complaints - 19,357 Child sexual abuse - 8,813 Penetrative sexual assault - 3,600 Attempt to rape - 745 Sexual abuse at workplace -230 Children and young women missing - 3,904 Kidnapping of minor girls - 4,300 Abduction of women - 3,100 Cases of dowry violence - 4,222 Dowry deaths - 1,238
Out of 9,56,942 calls, the call operators could only respond to 6,60,012 calls. This means that nearly 3 lakh calls went unanswered and could not be taken up. The data clearly shows that women who live in the outskirts of Delhi are more vulnerable to crimes. Thus, the infrastructure should be shored up so that maximum calls are attended on such helplines and help is sent to the needful. The tall promises of providing more safety have been made by our Delhi Police, but merely doing the lip service won't help the cause, the promised steps should also be implemented to remove the tag of "crime city" and "rape capital" from Delhi. And not only the government, even people should work collectively to uproot such depravity from the society.
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