Unable to cut off relationship with SriLanka: India

US submitted resolution against SriLanka at the UN Human Rights Commission today and urge international community cast favorable vote on the resolution.
Speaking at the session India said

It’s unable to cut off relationship with SriLanka.

Indian delegate called up on SriLanka to implement 13th amendment in this country.

India has always been of the view that the end of the conflict in Sri Lanka provided a unique opportunity to pursue a lasting political settlement acceptable to all communities in Sri Lanka, including the Tamils,” the representative said, addressing the UNHRC, prior to the vote on the resolution on Sri Lanka today.

India also urged the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to undertake the visit to Sri Lanka in an early date and also expressed “hope” that the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN special procedures will continue their engagement “in accordance with their mandates.”

Speaking at the session SriLankan envoy added

The resolution on Sri Lanka at the UNHRC is clearly unacceptable as it is intrusive, bears misinterpretations and is dismissive of the positive, Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe stated at the UNHRC sessions in Geneva.

Minister Samarasinghe highlighted that the tone of the document on Sri Lanka was overwhelmingly pessimistic while the paragraph dealing with the progress that Sri Lanka has made thus far ignores areas of clear progress

Pakistan voted against resolution.

Pakistan voted against the US backed resolution against SriLanka at the UNHRC session in Geneva.

Pakistan urges to impose further changes in the resolution.

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